Friday, September 26, 2008

The Fat of the Land

Hello friendlies. The first in many amazing blogs to come. I figured that if you wanted to read about our crap and see our photos then you would come here rather than have me bombard email boxes and myface etc with our photos and associated traveeling nonsense. So, if you are here, then this is a good start. If you're not, tell your friends. Or something.

So, the first bit is rather uneventful really. We flew over here to LA. Woo. Kate has tonsillitis. And lots of pus. Boo. Erm, otherwise there was disturbing news when I found out that wall-e wasn't going to be available on the plane for watching. Frown.

So, we are staying in Santa Monica in a hostel one street back from the big bit with the cliffs and the pier and the beach and the breasts of pamela anderson. You know the one.
A numberof observations:
1) There is a lot of excessive fuel use here. Heat lamp use when it's 18 degrees outside so that people can sit and have dinner in their T-shirts: check.
2) The town planners were asleep at the wheel. Space and travelling time were obviously not major considerations for these guys. Neither was planning a metro that was actually of any use to ANYONE.
3) Portion sizes reflect the state of the nations girth. People blow whistles and cheer for your gluttony.
4) Our room is ridiculously hot. And full of french canadians. Can they just decide which they want to be please?
5) Getty centre = awesome.
6) Three hours to get from santa monica to downtown is a little excessive.

So there we go. Tomorrow sees our intrepid explorers heading to Venice and muscle beach, perhaps on bicycles, perhaps not. Who can say? Us probably. Then to Guatemala tomorrow night!


Brandon, Maie and Kate

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