Monday, October 27, 2008

To Baja!

So it has finally been decided and I have now boked it. I have a flight tomorrow from here in mexico city to Los Cabos at the bottom of ´the finger´of baja mexico. I will then proceed to make my way up the peninsula before crossing the border at tijuana/san diego on the 5th. Sweet.

So, what have been doing of late you may ask? Well, here goes,

Arrived into mexico city on friday after a rather uninteresting bus trip from palenque. Mexico city has been amazing and a really interesting city which I would love to have more time in. I don't. The gastro I have had has also been rather amazing, but I am glad that my time with IT is drawing to a close.
So on friday I went to a mexican LUCHA LIBRE wrestling exhibition, and it was AWESOME. Think three big sweaty mexican men in budgie smugglers and masks fighting another three guys who are apparently the bad guys and throw in a midget in a monkey suit who gets kicked in the groin and you are getting somewhat close to understanding the night. It was so ridiculous it was excellent. There are apparently three rules in wrestling:
1 No kicking in the groin.
2 no touching the masks of other wrestlers
3 Something about being out of the ring.

None of these applied at any point during the night. Of course, it is all fake.But, like I said, so ridiculous it was awesome. Awesome!!!!

Saturday and sunday have been spent trotting around town going to various museums and checking out the town itslef which is quite fascinating. There is a real sort of undercurrent of absurdity and bizarreness that makes this place really interesting. The artworks and museums on show too are world class and I wish I had more time here.

2nd of November: Promises to be great. It is the Dia de los Muertos or the day of the dead, and is the day when everyone goes to the cemetary and decorates it with fñlowers and skeletons and mariachis play in the cemetary as well and should be great. I'll let you know how it goes.

Oh, and I went to some more ruins today. Again quite amazing, but not of that much interest in the scope of this blog I don't think.

I don't know if there is much more to add really...

No, can't think of anything more. Hope you're all well,


Oh yeah, I need a hat. Not much for you to worry yourselves with though really is it?

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